Domain names for your Lizmap instances

By default, your Lizmap instances are accessible from a web address like, where myinstancesgroup is replaced by a name we choose or your choose during the setup of your first Lizmap instance.

It is possible to change the part myinstancesgroup. If you want to to it, contact us by sending a new name. It can contain letters, numbers and the character -.

You can also choose your own domain name:

  • either to replace the domain name of your instance group, then, etc become

  • either to setup a domain name on a specific instance. Then become

To not lose your users, a redirection is configured on our infrastructure, which redirect users from the old address to the new one having your domain name.

If you want to have your own domain name, here is what to do:

  1. Create/Buy your domain name at your DNS provider

  2. In your DNS setup, create a CNAME record, with the alias

  3. Contact us to use this domain name for your instances group or a specific instance, and we will change the configuration of our servers as soon as your domain name is usable on the internet.

We do not recommend that you use an A or AAAA record type (and therefore indicate an IP), because the IP can change, and this will complicate any migrations or internal changes in our infrastructures. In case you choose to use an A or AAAA type record anyway, it is up to your responsibility to update this record, when we notify our customers that some changes occurs on our network, that may have an impact on proper functioning of domain names.

Notice that we don’t support custom domain name on FTP services and PostgreSQL services.